Introducing Lab Puppy to Water the RIGHT Way!

Описание к видео Introducing Lab Puppy to Water the RIGHT Way!

Introducing your Labrador or Golden Retriever puppy to water is really important. You need to do it correctly, or you will end up with a dog that hates the water.

Teaching your dog to swim should never involve throwing him in and forcing the issue. That is the WORST THING YOU CAN DO FOR A PUPPY.

Instead, when you teach your puppy to swim, let him go at his own pace. Start with a swimming pool in your back yard. If it is a warm day, you will not have to wait long and your puppy will be lounging in the water just to stay cool.

When your puppy is comfortable in the pool, it is time to take him out to a body of water where he can swim. You can teach your dog to swim at a lake, or a pond, or even a canal (as long as it is easy for him to get in and out).

Introducing Lab puppy to water the right way will ensure that your dog does not become water-shy later on in life. Imagine a duck dog that will not go into the water! That would be a disaster.

The reality is that most retriever puppies innately love water. But, you can ruin it if you are not careful. So, introduce your retriever to water a little at a time and you will soon have a dog that hits the water at full speed.


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