Fan + Shower Noise = 10 Hours of SHOWER SOUND + FAN SOUND

Описание к видео Fan + Shower Noise = 10 Hours of SHOWER SOUND + FAN SOUND

Enjoy this fan in the shower! ✪ Subscribe for more epicness:
This sleep video is for 10 hours of a shower sound with fan sound combined with a black screen. This is an excellent sleep video with a dark screen so the light from the monitor won't keep you awake. This video is also useful as a background noise, for tinnitus, or white noise sleep sounds. And don't worry about water being wasted, this video loops after only 10 minutes!

Here is my favorite shower sleep video:    • SPEND THE NIGHT In A Luxury Hotel | S...  

All safety precautions were taken before filming this relaxing video! The fan was plugged into a circuit breaker, which was then plugged into a bathroom fault circuit breaker. The dual picture you see at the beginning is from my go pro being the camera angle. I suctioned it to the top of the shower before starting the video footage started rolling as it filmed a new angle of this awesome shower noise.

For this relaxing video I set my Canon HD camera up facing the shower, with the go pro at the top angle. We then turned the shower on and filmed the water from the shower blowing over top of the fan. We then turn the fan on so we can combine the shower sounds and fan sounds. I used several different microphones to capture both types of sounds, especially one up close to capture the shower sound effect. I then carefully layered each of the sound over top of one another, while still trying to balance them out so one doesn't over power the other one. I also removed the unwanted higher pitch sounds. I did all this post production using adobe premiere.

I hope you find this shower sound and fan sound video combination very relaxing and are able to sleep well to it my friends.

Here is another awesome shower sound video:
►    • Shower Sounds + Fan Noise Black Scree...  


#fanshower #fansound #showersound

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To see all my newest 4K Fan Sound videos check out this playlist:
   • 4K Fan Sounds For Sleeping  

A subscriber dubbed me the “MAN with the FANS” as I have more relaxing videos of FANS, than any other Channel on YouTUBE !!!!
To see all of my FAN videos, checkout this playlist:

Visit my, Rest and Relaxation, channel here:
   / randallsrestrelaxation  

My videos aren't perfect, but they are honest. I put a lot of time and effort into the, relaxing videos. As someone who used to have a very difficult time falling asleep, I know just how huge a small sleep aid can be in making a difference in your entire life. My relaxing videos, can help you make that mental jump from loud chatter, to a calm mind that easily falls asleep, keeps you sleeping, and staying in sleep.

I humbly request you allow me to be your Relaxation Specialist via these, Relaxing Videos. I enjoy producing content that aids my fellow human being in finding peace, rest, rest and relaxation, and cultivation of an overall healthy and relaxing life.



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