Tactical Solutions 10/22 Takedown Build

Описание к видео Tactical Solutions 10/22 Takedown Build

You can use my discount code "FKF10" at Brownells.com to save 10% off any order of $150 or more🤙

Here is a quick video of another 10/22 takedown build I kind of started a few videos back when I bought an ODG Tactical Solutions x-ring barrel which I didn't end up using. I love these little rifles and I am certain this one won't be my last. Nearly every single part to this build was sourced through Brownells. Perform any modifications on your personal firearms at your own risk.

You can find the Tactical Solutions takedown barrel at the link to Brownells below;

You can find the awesome Powder River Precision 10/22 trigger assembly at the link to Brownells below;

You can find the Magpul X-22 backpacker stock punches at the link to Brownells below;

You can find more epic deals and all my other social media outlets at the following link:

Remember, Faith Kills Fear!


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