Rebuilding Japan's fishing fleet post tsunami

Описание к видео Rebuilding Japan's fishing fleet post tsunami

(10 Oct 2011)
AP Television
Kesenuma, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan - August 9, 2011
1. Various of boats stranded inland by the tsunami on March 11, 2011
Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, Suga Chemical Sangyo boatyard, Japan - August 9, 2011
2. Various of craftsmen making the base for a 22-metre vessel to be used for harvesting scallops
Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, Suga Chemical Sangyo boatyard, Japan - August 22, 2011
3. Wide exterior of boatyard
4. Various of Chiba Masato, boatyard manager, cutting fibreglass sheets
5. SOUNDBITE (Japanese) Chiba Masato, manager, Suga Chemical Sangyo boatyard:
"We are a company that builds fishing boats, primarily for the northeast of Japan and Hokkaido. So we build the casts, making fishing boats from scratch. Since so many boats were damaged during the disaster, we have a lot of orders for repairs."
6. Various of damaged boats waiting for repair outside boatyard workshop
7. Pan of hull of a 30ft utility boat near completion in workshop
8. SOUNDBITE (Japanese) Chiba Masato, manager, Suga Chemical Sangyo boatyard:
"We have orders for 102, 30ft utility boats alone and we have been asked to complete the first 22 by November."
9. Wide of 3 utility boats near completion, outside workshop
10. Various of workers in boatyard workshop
11. SOUNDBITE (Japanese) Chiba Masato, manager, Suga Chemical Sangyo boatyard:
"The first stage of the process is to make a female cast. It is then painted and fibreglass is built up in layers on the inside of the cast."
12. Zoom in to rolls of fibreglass sheets used to make the boats
13. Various of men layering fibreglass sheeting on a cast
14. Wide of wooden structure forming the interior of a 22 metre cast for a scallop boat
15. Various of of Masuda Zenji at work on cast
16. SOUNDBITE (Japanese) Masuda Zenji, 67-year-old master shipwright:
"This is probably the busiest that I've ever been. Everyone is busy at the moment. The boats all went. Any boatyard is going to be busy for at least the next 2 years."
17. Various of Masuda Zenji working on the bow of the wooden structure of the cast
Iwate Prefecture, Japan - April 12, 2011
18. Wide of school gymnasium used as an evacuation centre - Rikuzen Takata Di Ichi Junior High School Gymnasium
19. Various of Masuda calculating the allocation of space for over 500 evacuees on the gymnasium floor
Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, Suga Chemical Sangyo boatyard, Japan - August 22, 2011
20. SOUNDBITE (Japanese) Masuda Zenji, 67-year-old master shipwright:
"When I am working like this, life in the evacuation centre was the last thing on my mind. Work is the best remedy."
21. Mid of Masuda working on the wooden structure of the boat cast
It's 7 months ( 11 October) since Japan's devastating earthquake and tsunami.
Much of the fishing fleet on the north east coast was destroyed in the disaster. Now boat builders are working overtime to get hundreds of vessels back out to sea.
The devastation of the March 11 tsunami is still there for all to see.
7 months on, stranded boats of all shapes and sizes litter a 150 mile stretch of the Japanese coastline.
Like beached whales, they lie toppled and useless on the shore.
Much of the north east fishing fleet was destroyed in the disaster and now the race is on to replace the lost vessels.
Suga Chemical Sangyo is a boat building company located in the town of Ofunato.
Even though it was engulfed by the tsunami, the company still managed to resume production a little over 6 weeks after the disaster.
Factory manager Chiba Masato describes how the aftermath of the tsunami has brought a boom in business:

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