Can we transfer or shift other state wine shop license into maharashtra? FAQ Q&A.

Описание к видео Can we transfer or shift other state wine shop license into maharashtra? FAQ Q&A.

Can we transfer or shift other state wine shop licence into maharashtra? FAQ Q&A.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is necessary to have a health certificate , food and drug license as it is necessary for any infectious disease You can get helth certificate from the government hospital.

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How to start permit room beer bar.
How to start beer and wine shop.
Document for open liquor license.
Liquor business idea.

#liquor #permit_room_beer_bar
#discussion #wine_shop #52years #old_subscriber #New_subscriber #central_exice #state_exice #alcohollaws #other_country #Maharashtra #bar_shift #goa #gujrat #Up
#rules #law #profit #liquor_prohibition_act #food #drugs #health_certificate #water_testing #government_hospital #workers #skin_decies


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