Fight of Characters - Orochimaru

Описание к видео Fight of Characters - Orochimaru I think this is the right dl link.. Not sure, since i got it ingame. I currently play with a hostbot called SPN05 (add it to your friend list if you wish to find out what the game name currently is.. if it's in "void", probably max amount of games are already running, so you'll have to wait.)
I wasn't planning to upload this, but then i was called a "fucking nerd" and that obviously changes everything.. (No it doesn't, but lets go with that)

Other news.. I can't think of what to upload (other than 600% velocity Terraria, when i actually feel like playing it, which is practically.. never). There are things i could TALK about, but when ever i try to talk, i freeze. Literally not a single word coming from my mouth, how embarassing. Don't get me wrong, when asked a question, i talk like a normal person (depending on what is defined as normal), but when there is an option to not talk, i will take that option. Ugh, why did i start uploading videos in the first place?

Maybe i need someone to challenge me to do it or something. Push me in a corner, so the other option no longer seems viable.. shrugs What ever!


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