Lunenburg, MA: Whalom Park: "For a Whale of a Time!"

Описание к видео Lunenburg, MA: Whalom Park: "For a Whale of a Time!"

Television Commercial Jingle:

"If you're looking for something exciting to do,
Then Whalom Park is the place for you!
With lots of rides and loads of fun,
Whalom Park's for ev-ery-one!
For fun and excitement,
A place to unwind,
Whalom Paaaark...for a whale of a time!
Whaaaa-looooom Parrrrrrk, you'll have a good time
Whaaaa-looooom Parrrrrrk...."

Wiki on Whalom:
Memorial Site:
Or it =WAS= a Whale of a Time! (Last season: 2000)
Here's a tour of Whlaom Park, as of 8/7/2010.
There's a "Fun House" at the end, only that the fun was missing, with the park.


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