
Описание к видео #M365UK

Microsoft 365 UK (M365UK) user group online event held on 14 Jul 2021 by Chirag Patel.
Session 1: Securely connect to SharePoint online from Azure function - Joel Rodrigues MVP
This session covers some of the considerations when building a secure application that runs as an Azure Function and securely connects to SharePoint. The connection is easily done by using an Azure Active Directory application registration and a certificate, but how do we ensure that the certificate is secured but still accessible by the function? By taking advantage of the great integration between service applications and key vaults! Let's throw PowerShell, Azure Functions, Azure AD apps, Managed service identity, Key Vault, ARM templates and a few other things onto the mix and create a base solution that is secure, reusable and easy to deploy. You can then focus your effort on the things that matter - the function itself!

Session 2 (starts at 53:30): Microsoft Teams Usability vs Security - Zoe Wilson and Luke Evans
With unprecedented growth of Microsoft Teams. In many cases, Teams was thrown out quickly with little planning or governance, to shift to remote working. End-users have adopted Teams and love the freedom to work, collaborate in the open with colleagues, customers and partners alike. Microsoft Teams is a fantastic tool for supporting cross-functional and even cross-organisational collaboration, but its openness introduces concerns about unfettered file and data sharing between users. Historically, effective security came at the expense of usability & usability came at the expense of security. Many continue to go by the notion that there is no way to achieve both effective security and usability simultaneously - but with Microsoft Teams, and the wider M365 security and compliance capabilities, it can be possible to achieve secure collaboration.

#sharepoint #microsoftteams #azurefunctions


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