Government Workers On Benefits, Pay Transparency, and More! The Break Room | Episode 11

Описание к видео Government Workers On Benefits, Pay Transparency, and More! The Break Room | Episode 11

Welcome to another episode of our new show, The Break Room!

Thanks to our partner @capitalonecafe! #CapitalOnePartner

Want free coffee? Head to your nearest Capital One Cafe to get your next brew on us 👉

This week, we're at the Capital One Cafe in Chinatown in Washington, DC, and interviewing government employees! It should come as no surprise that DC has more federal civilian employees than any other state in the US (yes, we know DC is not a state). So, we gathered an impressive trio of federal and state government employees to share their experiences and discuss topics like benefits, pay transparency, and more.

Thanks to our participants, Clay (‪@TheCivDiv‬), Stephanie, and Daniel!

Drop your follow-up questions in the comments below ⬇️

Shout out to ‪@onomyco‬, our production partner for this series! 🙌

Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe so you don't miss the next episode!

0:00 - Intro
0:35 - Meet our participants
1:11 - Pay transparency in government jobs
3:55 - Interview process for government roles
7:21 - Negotiating government jobs
9:06 - Pros and cons of working in government jobs
13:20 - Are Government jobs all about politics?
15:40 - Can you rise in the ranks without being politically appointed?
18:58 - Takeaways
19:38 - Credits

#thebreakroom #salarytransparentstreet #paytransparency #salarytransparency #capitalonepartner #careeradvice #careerguide #federalemployee #governmentworker #stateemployee


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