Dual Threat: Light And Darkness Speedrun Longsword Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Описание к видео Dual Threat: Light And Darkness Speedrun Longsword Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Sorry for not beeing fast enough to show the set, I was pretty hyped and forgot it was only 20 seconds.

Attack Boost 7
Crit Eye 7
Resentment 5
Crit Boost 3
Masters Touch 3
Quick Sheath 3
Wirebug Whisperer 3
Buildup Boost 3
Powder Mantle 3
Maximum Might 2
Handicraft 2
Dereliction 2
Poison Attack 1
Diversion 1
Foray 1
Burst 1
Wind Mantle 1

  / theartoflongsword  

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