Learn the Runes Challenge

Описание к видео Learn the Runes Challenge

Ever want to learn the Anglo Saxon Runes? This is the time! Over the next 4 weeks if you follow the plan you'll learn the Anglo Saxon Futhorc!

0:00 - Intro and how to use the challenge
4:40 -Day 1 Feho and Ur
6:05 -Day 2 Thorn
6:52 -Day 3 Os
7:44 -Day 4 Rad
8:35 -Day 5 Cen
9:20 -Day 6 Gifu
10:11 - Day 7 Wynn

Also join the challenge support group:

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Rune poem translation by Alaric Albertson: www.alaricalbertsson.com

Wardrobe Furnished in Part by: https://www.etsy.com/shop/HeathenHope
Not really it's just fun Pagan Shirts I've designed, when I'm doing well financially I plant shrubs and trees which are good for birds and bees!

For info on my Heathen Homestead Course DM me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soil_shaman...

Join the eihwaz tribe on Facebook:   / 2108323246138905  

To Support the Channel and Help build a Heathen Tribe united to #SaveMidgard check out:   / eihwazinitiations  


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