HETAS approved for use with solid fuel appliances. Rytons AirLiner and Multifix air brick and airliner sleeve. Contains a system of internal baffles to reduce light and draughts. External water baffles prevent transfer of water across the cavity.

SEE PRODUCTS: http://bit.ly/AirLiner


All heating appliances that produce heat from the combustion of carbon-based fuels such as gas, oil and solid fuels including wood, require enough fresh air from outside for complete combustion and to enable the flue/chimney to function correctly to remove the combustion products safely to the outside. Solid Fuel, Wood and Biomass burning Appliances that draw their combustion air from within the dwelling are required by Building Regulations to have installed a fixed permanently open ventilator to provide this air from the outside of the dwelling. Without adequate ventilation, there is a danger that the combustion process will be incomplete producing large amounts of carbon monoxide and also that the function of the flue will be impaired. This combination can cause emissions of poisonous gases to the room resulting in sickness and ultimately death to the occupants.

Open Fires

If the open fire is the simple inset type incorporating a throat forming lintel or gather then the air requirement would be
50% of the cross-sectional area of the throat opening. If the open fire is the free-standing type which does not incorporate a throat then the air requirement would be 50% of the cross-sectional area of the flue. Detailed guidance with examples is given in Approved Document J.

For simple inset open fires with a throat the guidance states that the following air requirement is necessary based on the
width of the fire opening:

•350mm fire opening = 14,500 mm2 /145cm2
•400mm fire opening = 16,500 mm2/165cm2
•450 mm fire opening = 18,500 mm2/185cm2
•500 mm fire opening = 20,500 mm2/205cm2

For fireplace openings greater than 500mm in width or freestanding open fires that are open to the room on more than one side please see the additional guidance given in
Approved Document J.

Purpose-Made Ventilators for Supplying Combustion Air


These ventilators are manufactured from a variety of materials such as UV stable thermo-plastics. They are preferably supplied as boxed sets complete with inner and outer grilles with connecting duct-work for bridging cavity walls and/or making the connection between the two ventilator openings through solid walls. They may incorporate internal baffles to reduce sound transmission and draughts created by sudden changes in air pressure, and weather cowls on the external grille that helps also to reduce the effects of draughts and rain ingress.


Ventilators should comply with Building Regulations and BSI standards. This is normally achieved through BBA certification or a test report from an appropriately accredited laboratory to ensure that they meet the applicable aspects of the relevant approved documents of the Building Regulations.

The equivalent area for complex ventilators should always be specified by the manufacturer, determined using either BS EN 13141-1:2004 or a dynamic test method developed by Advantica Technology and referenced in BS 5440: Part 2:2000 or for simple ventilators be covered under the BS 493:1995 standard.

The equivalent area must be given in an unambiguous manner where it can easily be read. It is only this equivalent area that should be used when specifying the required sizes of ventilators.

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