Potato ! The most underrated vegetable for weight loss ( TAMIL )

Описание к видео Potato ! The most underrated vegetable for weight loss ( TAMIL )

Here's the nutritional breakdown for 100 grams of raw potato:

- Calories Approximately 77
- Protein About 2 grams
- FatLess than 0.1 grams
- CarbohydratesRoughly 17 grams (including 2.2 grams of dietary fiber)
- Vitamin C Provides about 32% of the Daily Value (DV)
- Vitamin B6 About 15% of the DV
- Potassium Around 421 mg, which is about 9% of the DV

Potatoes also offer small amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, and folate, making them a nutritious part of a balanced diet.

Potatoes can be an excellent food for weight loss for several reasons:

1. High Satiety: They rank highly on the satiety index, helping you feel full longer.
2. Low Calorie: They offer fewer calories per volume, aiding portion control.
3. Nutrient-Rich: Potatoes provide essential nutrients like vitamin C and potassium without many calories.
4. Fiber Content: They contain fiber, especially in the skins, which aids digestion and prolongs fullness.
5. Resistant Starch: When cooled, they form resistant starch that promotes gut health and may aid in fat burning.
6. Versatility: They can be prepared in healthy ways, such as boiling or baking, without adding excess fat.
7. Low Fat: Naturally low in fat, making them a healthier choice if cooked properly.
8. Blood Sugar Management: They can help manage blood sugar levels when eaten as part of a balanced diet.
9. Water Content: High water content helps with hydration and feeling of fullness.
10. Economic and Accessible: Widely available and cost-effective, making them an accessible option for weight management diets.

Including potatoes in a balanced diet focused on whole foods can help manage weight effectively while providing nutritional benefits.


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