Serious Snacking: A Survival Analysis of how Snacking Mechanics Affect Attrition in a Mobile ...

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Serious Snacking: A Survival Analysis of how Snacking Mechanics Affect Attrition in a Mobile Serious Game
Dmitry Alexandrovsky, Maximilian Achim Friehs, Jendrik Grittner, Susanne Putze, Max V. Birk, Rainer Malaka, Regan L Mandryk

CHI '21: The 2021 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Session: Game Design and Player Experience

Many serious games are most effective when played regularly; however, little is known about how individual game elements support player adherence over time.
This work draws on evidence from existing frameworks and game design theories as well as from the design of casual games to investigate how individual game mechanics affect player attrition in a serious game.
We implemented a math-learning game in which we could individually layer various game mechanics, and over the course of 3 weeks, 99 participants played one of six versions: Baseline, Rewards, Novelty, Completion, Waiting, or Blocking.
We compared the game versions by analyzing the players' performance as well as behaviour.
Using survival analysis, we identified that the addition of Completion and Blocking mechanics facilitated the strongest sustained engagement.
These findings are congruent with existing theories of player experience and promote the development of guidelines on designing for sustained engagement in serious games.


Pre-recorded Presentations for the ACM CHI Virtual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 8-13, 2021


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