Brotato Cryptid Danger 5 I Brotato DLC

Описание к видео Brotato Cryptid Danger 5 I Brotato DLC


More trees spawn (+6)
Gain 12 material and XP for every living tree at the end of a wave
+3 HP Regeneration for every current living tree
Dodge is capped at 70%
+3 Attack Speed until the end of the wave when you dodge an attack
-100 % Life Steal
-100 Range
-50% materials dropped from enemies

Cryptid have to play around with trees, he got more trees spawning which equals to 6 Tree Items, and it will be beneficial to not chopping the trees down and keep it alive throughout the Wave. As this character have a huge debuff in Life Steal, that stat can be ignored and cannot be used, it has to use some other method to heal. Every Tree alive will provide extra HP Regeneration, furthermore, you will get extra materials and XP for every living tree at the end of a wave, which makes an incentive of you to not hitting the Trees for fruit or crates. This also results in halved the materials dropped from enemies, as you will be getting a lot of XP and materials from keeping Trees alive.

Keeping Trees alive can be hard as it actually, and I believe that the decrease in Range is to let you harder to mistakenly hit the Trees, as the Trees will spawn around the arena and limit your area to play with. So also Cryptid comes with Dodge cap at high % at 70, and you will get extra Attack Speed every time you Dodge, so it is encouraging a Dodging and Standing playstyle and let the Health Regeneration do the work. You can take some extra damaging Items to help you clear the wave but it is a double edged knife as some Aoe Items may accidentally destroy Trees which you do not want to, and never take the Lumberjack Jacket to prevent chopping the Trees in one-shot.

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