Introduction to Homological Algebra & Derived Functors| Sankha Subhra Chakraborty | B.Math, 2022-25

Описание к видео Introduction to Homological Algebra & Derived Functors| Sankha Subhra Chakraborty | B.Math, 2022-25

Title: Introduction to Homological Algebra and Derived Functors

Speaker: Sankha Subhra Chakraborty (B. Math, 3rd year)

Abstract: When a left or right exact functor is applied to a short exact sequence, exactness is only preserved at one end. Derived functors provide a systematic method to continue this sequence on the other end. Most of the talk will include introducing and explaining the setup for talking about these derived functors, including exactness, chain complexes, chain homotopy, and resolutions.

Prerequisite: Knowledge of elementary linear algebra concepts such as linear maps, kernel, image etc will be helpful for following the talk.

Date & Time: Saturday, 10th August 2024, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM


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