Dark Souls - 15 minutes of fame

Описание к видео Dark Souls - 15 minutes of fame

So this either needs to be fixed or used in a serious speedrun. Either way, here's a simple guide on how to get to soul level 100 very, very early in the game. Firstly, Master Key is a requirement. Either pick thief as your starting class, or get it as your gift. Next, follow the path shown, using bonfires on the way as a kind of checkpoint. In a speedrun, naturally, some of these can be skipped, though death warping to certain ones would be useful on certain pathings.

In this particular video, there is one unintentional death. Just after entering The Great Hollow, a roll went wrong and the rest is history. The next two deaths were both intentional: the first to reset the hydra's position, allowing an easy pass, the second a death warp back to the entrance of Ash Lake. I hope you enjoy.

EDIT: The main reason I created this video was not to show off or anything of the sort.. but merely to show that everything required for this glitch is not only easy to get for a fresh character, but actually *on the way*. Honestly, I don't have a big problem with the glitch itself, I'd just prefer if, say, the ring was as guarded as the shield is. Put a Black Knight nearby, or move the ring to another part of the world, or do *something*. There's something wrong when in an hour a player can have 4 saves of different characters waiting to be turned into whatever that player wants regardless of future patching. But hey, I suppose pvp discussions will need to turn to what soul level most people agree upon to have the most fun in fights and everyone will aim there. In that sense, having such malliable characters ready could turn the pvp metagame into quite an interesting direction...


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