Dark souls 1: Pyromancy run: Part 3: Quelaag, Ceaseless and Quelana

Описание к видео Dark souls 1: Pyromancy run: Part 3: Quelaag, Ceaseless and Quelana

S'up? Join me as I run through Lordran, this time with trying to beat the game with only Pyromancies, although there are issues......

Somehow, Maneater Mildred runs around with a few bits of fabric and is immune to poison and resistance to pyromancy. What manner of beast is she? Anyway, beating her is a requirement to be able to summon her for Quelaag, who will be the only true problem in the run. After I luck out, I run downstairs, visit the fair lady and eingyi, let gravity take care of ceaseless and get some much-needed upgrades from Quelana.

On an unrelated note, it's good to see that those slimes in the depths actually have a weakness.....

The main path I recommend is:
Firelink, get RTR. Beat Taurus. Free Griggs. Get Wolf and Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring at some point. Beat Capra. Free Laurentius. Buy pyromancies. Beat Gaping Dragon. Visit Quelana at some point. Beat Quelaag (with summons). Give 30 humanity to the Fair Lady and the rest of the run is as normal.

Main NPC's this run:
Laurentius (Upgrade pyro flame and pyromancies)
Quelana (Upgrade pyro flame and pyromancies)
Eingyi (Upgrade pyro flame and pyromancies)
Fair lady (Open shortcut and two chaos pyromancies)
Dusk (To get Dusk crown if necessary)
Griggs (To get Bellowing dragoncrest ring, as it works with pyromancies)

Quelaag, Ceaseless and the Centipede Demon are immune to fire damage. Black flame seems to deal a split damage of fire and physical but it isn't available until you beat Ornstein and Smough.

Quelaag can be poisoned and toxified. However, you need more than pyromancies to do this (without skips or glitches). You might eventually be able to beat her in some new game plus cycle when you get enough copies of Black flame, or Toxic mist, etc. Otherwise Maneater Mildred is a decent summon that can beat Quelaag if you act as bait.

Ceaseless can be whacked 5 times once he is holding onto the edge with Black flame. Otherwise, 5 normal punches will do it. Punches with the pyromancy flame won't work though.

Demon Centipede can be avoided by giving 30 humanity to the Fair Lady and opening up the path where the titanite demon is on the bridge. You can access the bed of chaos with a flameplate ring, flash sweat and the Gold hemmed, black set to cross the lava. Otherwise, you can follow Solaire's questline and he can be available to summon to fight the Centipede Demon, with you acting as bait.


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