explain type casting in java with example

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type casting in java

type casting in java is the process of converting a variable from one data type to another. this is particularly useful when working with different data types in expressions, collections, or when handling data from different sources. java supports two types of casting:

1. *widening casting (implicit casting)*
2. *narrowing casting (explicit casting)*

1. widening casting (implicit casting)

widening casting occurs when you convert a smaller primitive data type to a larger primitive data type. this conversion happens automatically in java because it is safe and there is no risk of data loss. for example, converting an `int` to a `long` or a `float` to a `double`.

*example of widening casting:*


2. narrowing casting (explicit casting)

narrowing casting occurs when you convert a larger primitive data type to a smaller primitive data type. this type of casting must be done explicitly, as there is a risk of data loss when converting from a larger type to a smaller one.

*example of narrowing casting:*


type casting with object types

in addition to primitive types, type casting also applies to object types, particularly when dealing with inheritance. you can cast an object of a subclass to its superclass (upcasting) or from a superclass to its subclass (downcasting).

upcasting example


downcasting example


important points to remember

**widening casting**: safe, done automatically by java.
**narrowing casting**: requires explicit casting; may lead to data loss.
**upcasting**: safe and done automatically; a subclass object is treated as a superclass object.
**downcasting**: requires explicit casting; must ensure that the object being cast is indeed an instance of the subclass to avoid `classcastexception`.


type casting is a crucial concept in java programming that enables the conversion of data types, allowing for flexible and powerful coding pra ...

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