Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (10/15) - with Vuex & Firebase (for Web, Mobile & Desktop)

Описание к видео Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (10/15) - with Vuex & Firebase (for Web, Mobile & Desktop)

Create a Real-Time Chat App using Quasar Framework, Vue.js, Vuex & Firebase for Web, Mobile & Desktop. Full Course: https://dannys.link/quasar

We'll grab the users from the Firebase database and display them on our Users page and also update each user's online status on this page whenever they login or logout.

👉 SmackChat Source code: https://dannys.link/smackchatcode
👉 Full Quasar Course: https://dannys.link/quasar
👉 Quasar Basics Playlist: https://dannys.link/quasarbasics
👉 Download Fudget: https://www.fudget.com
👉 My VSCode Setup: https://dannys.link/vscodesetup
👉 DONT CLICK THIS: https://dannys.link/dontclick


1) Setup, Layout, Pages & Routes -    • Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (1/...  
2) Design - Users Page -    • Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (2/...  
3) Design - Chat Page -    • Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (3/...  
4) Design - Login / Register Page -    • Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (4/...  
5) Setup Vuex & Firebase -    • Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (5/...  
6) Firebase - Design the Data Structure -    • Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (6/...  
7) Auth - Register & Login -    • Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (7/...  
8) Auth - Handle Auth State Changed -    • Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (8/...  
9) Auth - Logout & Set User's Online Status -    • Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (9/...  
10) Get the Users -    • Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (10...  
11) Get the Messages -    • Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (11...  
12) Display User Names -    • Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (12...  
13) Send a Message -    • Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (13...  
14) Finishing Touches -    • Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (14...  
15) Electron (Mac) & Cordova (iOS) -    • Quasar Framework: Vue.js Chat App (15...  

My Computer - https://amzn.to/32RPsYX
My Keyboard - https://amzn.to/2p8FXpV
My Mouse - https://amzn.to/2JsjIlB
My Microphone - https://amzn.to/2BOzfYE
My Green Screen - https://amzn.to/31PO33X
My Portable SSD Drive - https://amzn.to/2pUwemY


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