Tea & Tarot Live: Chat, Support, Ideas-Exchange. Sunday June 9th,

Описание к видео Tea & Tarot Live: Chat, Support, Ideas-Exchange. Sunday June 9th,

PLEASE NOTE: This live stream will start ONE HOUR LATER than my usual time of 18:00 GMT. This is an experiment to find the best time for all of us. If it's a time that people like, I will stick with it.

#tarotcommunity #tarotlivestream

In this Live Stream we can chat and exchange ideas about tarot and tarot reading. We can structure it like a Q&A in which you ask me questions, but we can also be informal. Do you have an interesting book that you would like to tell us all about? Have you discovered a good new deck? Did anything come up in one of my videos that you would like to discuss?

This session is not about live tarot reading. However, I plan on doing 2 live streams in June. The other one will be June 22nd or 23rd, and here we can do some card-reading.

Incidentally, the second June live stream may be on a Saturday (22nd June). I'd like to try a Saturday live stream in case there are people who really can't tune in on Sundays.


Информация по комментариям в разработке