メルちゃん 郵便屋さん お手紙はいたつ / Pretended Play Post Office with Post Box

Описание к видео メルちゃん 郵便屋さん お手紙はいたつ / Pretended Play Post Office with Post Box

The postman
Casdon Post Office Set
Educational Toy Mailbox with Letters
Lelin Wooden Post Box Cute Elephant Stamps and Mail Creative Pretend Play Toy For Kids
Auberge Terra Children Kids Costumes Pretend Dress Up Role Play Sets (Postman)

メルちゃんと郵便屋さんごっこをしました。 お手紙をポストから回収して

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ミッドタウン・タワー 28階
UUUM株式会社 70cleam宛

います♪ メルちゃん、ぽぽちゃん、ハローキティ、リカちゃん、
バービーや、赤ちゃんの人形、Baby Dollなどかわいいおもちゃが

Hi, welcome to 70cleam Channel.

Thank you for visiting and watching our videos.

This channel is a cute toys and dolls play channel with videos featuring famous characters such as Mell-Chan, Popo-Chan, Hello Kitty, Licca-Chan, Barbie-doll and more!

Please subscribe, press the like button, and leave the comment, if you enjoy our videos. Also, if you speak Japanese, you can also help us add subtitles! Just click the cogwheel icon on the video display and select the "add subtitles" option to add your own line-by-line text and help our channel reach even more fans!

Please send me a fan letter here :slightly_smiling_face:
6-10-1 Roppongi Minato-Ku Roppongi Hills Mori Building 37F 106-6137
UUUM Co.,Ltd 70cleam

楽曲提供:Production Music by http://www.epidemicsound.com

素材提供 PIXTA


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