Baby goats play in big pasture for the first time!!

Описание к видео Baby goats play in big pasture for the first time!!

The oldest kids are now two weeks old! The sun finally came out and it was a pretty warm day so we sent them out to the pasture to visit with the herd. They had so much fun finding all the things to jump on and checking out everything the older goats find interesting. They nibbled on Christmas trees, began tasting hay and drinking water, and jumped on every single stump at least once! It was so much fun to watch them explore a new area and get more independent. Some of them will begin sleeping in a kids stall at night so we can milk their moms in the morning. And then they will head out to the big pasture with all the other goats for the day and drink all the milk they like. This works well for us so that at eight weeks they will have had a chance to learn to eat grain and drink water and not to be afraid when they’re away from their mom so that when they go to their new home they are ready and adjust well!

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