Load Balancers | Azure Cloud | DevOps Cloud Made Easy

Описание к видео Load Balancers | Azure Cloud | DevOps Cloud Made Easy

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--name dev-env: This parameter sets the name of the AKS cluster to dev-env. This name will be used to identify your cluster within your Azure subscription.
--node-count 2: This parameter specifies the number of nodes (virtual machines) in the AKS cluster. Here, the cluster will be created with 2 nodes.
--enable-addons monitoring: This parameter enables the specified add-ons for the AKS cluster. In this case, it enables the monitoring add-on, which integrates Azure Monitor for containers to monitor the health and performance of your cluster.
--generate-ssh-keys: This parameter generates SSH public and private key files if they do not already exist. SSH keys are used for secure access to the nodes (VMs) in the AKS cluster.


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