2021 Inaugural Jtwes Plow Day

Описание к видео 2021 Inaugural Jtwes Plow Day

As I sat in a chair in front of the RV I just had finished setting up I was so thankful to God for giving a beautiful sunny Saturday morning. All of the weather apps called for 30% chance of rain and clouds all day. I had done made up my mind that if it were just my family and my good friend and neighbor Ken that shows up it was more of a blessing than I deserved. Then along about 10am someone comes from down east of NC then another and so on till we had a nice wonderful plow day. I want to thank each and everyone that drop by. I am so humbled that you guys took the time to come by and support the channel. I know there's lots of you who would have like to drop by but could not and that's ok it meant a lot to me that you wanted to. I have set a date for next year of October 15, 2022 with the possibility of bringing your RV on the 14th and having a place to park it. (still working on that) I hope you enjoy the video . As always God Bless Joey


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