The Seven Stages To "Full Enlightenment"

Описание к видео The Seven Stages To "Full Enlightenment"

A spiritual or mystical state is the present-tense realisation, to varying degrees, of a profound & intensely-felt freedom.

These higher states are inherent to the human body-mind. And, much closer than one might think!

Therefore, it is possible for them to be triggered at any time.

In fact, states can be experienced at any time by any one..

There is no necessary prerequisite to experiencing or deeply intuiting even the highest of mystical or spiritual states, including the enlightened state.

Profound spiritual states can also be brought about by:


Devotional practices
Near-Death Experience (NDE)
Brain Injury
For no reason at all!


Nevertheless …

How the state is interpreted and understood will depend on the stage of human and/or spiritual development one has achieved, or currently in.

Additionally, the stage will determine whether one is able to stably abide in that higher state.

The difference & relationship between states & stages is that of the difference & relationship between perception & perspective.

At the stage of human development of a child, they will have a child’s perspective of any of their perceptions.

A child’s interpretation of what they perceive will be limited by their stage of human development, i.e. the development stage of their perspective.

An adult’s interpretation of what they perceive will in most cases be a more comprehensive understanding reflecting a higher stage of human development - or a higher human development of perspective.

#enlightenment #spirituality #zen #buddhism #kundalini #vedanta

Script: Matt Mackane

Voiceover: Andrea Giordani

Edit: Rohit Pawar

Music: Epidemic Music

00:00 Intro
00:10 The Difference Between States & Stages
02:04 What is a spiritual or mystical state?
06:17 Societies, Cultures, Philosophy, & Zen
10:30 Is An Enlightened Psychopath Possible?
12:24 Ken Wilber: The ‘Einstein of Consciousness’
17:35 The Seven Stages That Lead To Enlightenment
22:00 The Spiritual Stages: From The 4th Stage To Enlightenment, Or ‘Open-Eyes’

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