Afghanistan Combat - Special Forces/Infantry Helmet cams capture live Firefight

Описание к видео Afghanistan Combat - Special Forces/Infantry Helmet cams capture live Firefight

This video represents just one mission of many during an 8 month deployment to Afghanistan for our Infantry squad attached to Special Forces. The dangers to life and limb were relentless. This is a small taste of what our troops faced for 20 years because our leadership sent us.

I hope this video brings a sense of pride and honor to our combat Veterans who I respect and love deeply, especially the ones you see here. War is kinetic and mostly you are solving problems while taking fire. On this particular day Mike the SF medic and EOD Parker bravely administered First Aid on the battlefield. SF Ethan took a bullet to the back and thankfully survived. All 3 are heroes in my book. Ethan was the youngest of his team and like so many others paid a high price for his service. I'm just so glad we did not lose anyone.

Now America has left Afghanistan it is easy to wonder why we were sent there and what we put our lives on the line for exactly? On this particular mission I do not recall what the purpose was. I am not sure I knew even on the day. We just followed orders. Our goal each day was to survive. Thinking about it now, does that really suffice as a mission; simply to protect each other from death? Why were we in harms way to begin with?

I for one am glad to know we have removed our soldiers. I care about them. Be mindful of what you absorb from the mainstream media. No one gave a shit about us or the Afghans for 20 years until it was time to leave. Why is that? Because people are sheep and swayed by whatever propaganda they ingest.

We went because of 9/11. We stayed because we had no tangible plan and select entities make a lot of money from war. We left because there was no end goal in sight and finally someone had the gall to take a stand against the war profiteers and get us out of there. It is one of the rare acts of true noble leadership I have seen in our government that I am actually proud of. This was a Commander and Chief actually acting like one for a change. However I will point out 2 events on our exit that epitomize and symbolically capture the entire war in Afghanistan. 1. The Afghan President selfishly fled and abandoned his position and people with bags of money. What the...? That about sums up the wastefulness of what we offer, the kind of people we propped up and the fact it always boils down to the guys at the top getting paid while everyone else sacrifices. 2. In a desperate attempt to get positive media reporting after ISIS-K killed our soldiers helping evacuate civilians, we went ahead and mistakenly drone striked one of our own allies - an aid worker and his children. We murdered them. Innocent kids! Needless, senseless death without justification or accountability. This is what we brought to Afghanistan for 20 years. Although no doubt there will be some positive stories of what was achieved, especially in regards to women's rights, unfortunately the bigger picture is we brought death and money. Death to the innocent and wealth to the corrupt. That is backwards! I for one am glad our troops are not in the line of fire anymore when this is what we had to offer. Ending the nonsense was a righteous act since our presence and conduct has actually only empowered the Taliban and we failed to understand or deal with them properly in the past when we had the chance to.

God bless Afghanistan. I'm not sure who else can truly help them now.


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