Marble Blast Levels: 32

Описание к видео Marble Blast Levels: 32

My plan was to have MBL: C32 and MBL: C33 be of old levels and long levels respectively, but plans changed and now the new Marble Blast Levels: 32 (more concise name) combines both of those planned videos into one long video.

I have known each of these levels from the 2008-2010 timeframe (pre-MBLX) in one way or another, and most of them I have not played seriously from that timeframe until when I started making this video. Thus, I will list, beside each level name in the notes, the estimated top time I achieved in the level in those days, if a reasonable estimate can be made.

The marble skin is representative of this video. It is the "x^x spindle" (Google it) which I saw in around 2004 and forgot its name. Thus I couldn't look it up anywhere, and in time I wasn't sure that I had even seen it properly the first time. But one day about a month ago I was looking at some links and a paper called "The x^x spindle" caught my eye. At that point I knew that I had found it again. This skin was made in the middle of making this video, but I recorded all .rec's using this skin. It is also not the Marble skin 2014-2015, that's a yet-to-be-made skin.

Alleyway Onslaught (?): It was this level that taught me how to jump up from one narrow protrusion to a higher one (in this case, the ladder at the start). Later on I would use the same skills on levels such as Stairmaster. The irony is that now I use a path (thanks to Imperial) that doesn't require this type of jumping. In the old days I could not go from the end Gyrocopter to the finish pad with no extra bounce in between, but I can do it now.

The full description is here:

I hope you enjoy!

Songs: Nightwish - She is My Sin, Nightwish - Rest Calm, Nightwish - Scaretale.


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