Watch tutors from the Ceilidh Project demonstrate some common ceilidh dance moves! If you’re a budding ceilidh caller, have a think about how you’d describe these moves to a group of dancers who hadn’t done them before.
0:04 Lines forward and back: take four steps forwards towards your partner, then four steps backwards to your place.
0:16 Siding: take four steps forwards towards your partner, finishing side by side with your right shoulders almost touching, then take four steps backwards to your place. Repeat with left shoulder.
0:26 Circle (left and right): hold hands in a circle and dance round to the left, then back to the right.
0:39 Gallop: face your partner and hold hands, dance to the side for a bit, then dance back to where you started.
0:47 Jumps and gallops: face your partner and hold hands, jump on the spot four times then gallop to the side.
0:54 Do-si-do: walk forwards past your partner, walk sideways passing back-to-back, then walk backwards to your place.
1:06 Swing: face your partner and hold hands, and spin to the left around each other.
1:15 Reel of three: a line of three people weave around each other in a figure of eight shape, passing by alternate shoulders and turning around when they reach the end of the line to join back in. Finish where you started.
1:32 Balance the star: hold one hand with your partner and bounce towards them and away again, twice.
1:41 Balance the star with right hand turn: balance the star, then keep right hands joined to move in a circle around your partner once (works best with two couples though!)
1:52 Pousette: top couple moves down the set one place. Face your partner and hold hands, then top couple shunts one way while the remaining couples shunt the other way to give them room to pass.
2:02 Clapping (pat-a-cake polka): face your partner and clap your right hands together three times, left hands three times, both hands across three times, then your own knees three times.
2:11 Jump and kick: jump on the spot, then kick one leg across with a small bounce. Repeat with the other leg.
2:18 Twirl: face your partner and hold one hand, raise these arms to make an arch and one person turns underneath.
2:24 Jump and kick with twirl: putting the previous two moves together.
2:31 Balance/set and turn single: bounce to the right, then the left, then take four steps to turn on the spot.
2:39 Heel toe (and walks): place your heel on the ground in front of you (toe in the air), then just your toe, heel again, toe again...then walk forward for three steps and turn on the spot to face the other way. Repeat.
2:51 Step hop (slowly first, working up to full speed!): step on your right leg, and hop. Step on your left leg, and hop. Repeat!
3:17 Rant step: HOP on your left leg, TAP your right toe in front (but don’t transfer any weight to it), HOP on your left leg again, and STEP on your right leg. Then repeat on the other leg.
3:25 Waltz step: face your partner and hold hands, then sidestep around each other in a little circle. Your feet should move in groups of three steps, one way (right-left-right), then the other way (left-right-left).
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