|| Top 10 Tourist places In Alipurduar District | North Bengal Tourism | West Bengal ||

Описание к видео || Top 10 Tourist places In Alipurduar District | North Bengal Tourism | West Bengal ||

There is a short view about Top 10 tourist Places (spot) to visit in Alipurduar district,( in bengali ) North Bengal Tourism,West Bengal,India.

The major portion of the Dooars region is now in the new district of Alipurduar. The beauty of the region lies not only in its tea gardens but also in the dense jungles. A number of rare endangered species of animals like tiger, rhinoceros and elephant make their habitat in the forests of the Dooars. Other animals include different types of deer, bison, birds and reptiles.

Located in the north bank of the Kaljani River, Alipurduar is the gateway to Bhutan and the north-eastern states of India.

Pumtse is the highest peak of Chhota Sinchula area in Alipurduar. The peak offers beautiful views of the impermeable forest covers of the Buxa hills and Bhutan valley.

The South Khairbari Tiger Rescue Centre, a unique endeavor that is unmatched in the entire north-east, has recently come up in Alipurduar. It now acts as a permanent shelter for tigers and the place has been aptly named 'Bagh Ban', meaning 'tiger forest' in Bengali.

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