How to Make a Cheesecloth Ghost

Описание к видео How to Make a Cheesecloth Ghost

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Halloween is right around the corner and these easy DIY cheesecloth ghosts are the perfect activity to get you in the spirit. It is super simple and you may have most of the materials already. I've made these to give as gifts to people that have all the fun decorations and have made some for our home to channel the Halloween vibes. Let's get crafting!

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- Cheesecloth:
- Black Felt:
- Scissors:
- Hot Glue Gun and Glue:
- Measuring Cup:
- Microwave Safe Mixing Bowl:
- Whisk:
- 2 cups Water
- 1 cup Corn Starch:
- Vase or Cup with a Ball or Balloon for stand
- Any additional decorations to make your cheesecloth ghost craft uniquely yours.

Directions for Easy DIY Cheesecloth Ghosts

1. Cut your cheesecloth into a 36 inch by 36 inch square for a larger ghost. You will need a vase that is anywhere from 10 - 12 inches tall with a balloon or ball to act as the head. You can also cut the cheesecloth into a 22 inch by 22 inch square for a smaller ghost; using a 4 inch vase with a balloon or ball.

2. Mix together 2 cups water with 1 cup corn starch in a microwave safe mixing bowl until combined. Put the mixture in the microwave 30 seconds at a time until the mixture turns into a thick paste. It usually takes about 2 minutes.

Tip: Do not wait too long before putting the mixture into the microwave. For some reason it won't thicken up and adding more corn starch doesn't seem to do the trick; at least in my experience. Once you have mixed together the water and corn starch immediately start heating in the microwave.

3. Let the paste cool down a bit so you can touch it but don't let it cool completely otherwise it will be too stiff and you won't be able to work with it.

4. Stack your vase and ball to create a stand.

5. Drench the cheesecloth into the paste; covering the cheesecloth all over. You don't need a thick layer; use enough of the paste to cover the cheesecloth.

6. Drape the cheesecloth over the vase/ball stand you created. Pull the wrinkles out from the cheesecloth. Make sure the cheesecloth can touch the flat surface you are working on all around; helps to keep the cheesecloth ghost stable.

7. Let the cheesecloth dry out; I let it dry overnight but 2 - 4 hours should be sufficient.

Time to Decorate

8. Remove the ghost from the stand. It should be very stiff and able to stand on it's own.

9. Cut out the eyes for the ghost from the felt. Hot glue the eyes on to the cheesecloth ghost. You can stop here and still have a very cute ghost or you can keep decorating.

10. We kept decorating for fun by adding dried roses, ribbon and sparkles. Get creative! Use bows, beads, glitter, give it a hat, anything you want!

How to Store Your Easy DIY Cheesecloth Ghosts

You can store your cheesecloth ghost for years to come. It is delicate so store it in a sturdy box and keep it in a dry place until you are ready to admire it again!

What Can You Compost from this Craft?

If your cheese cloth is made of organic materials like cotton you can compost the scraps. Thick heavy pieces of felt don't compost well but if your pieces are small or thin and made of organic materials throw them in there too. Cut everything down to a small size so it composts quicker. The dry materials will add carbon to your heap and help keep the wet to dry ratio where it needs to be; I shoot for a 50/50 ratio but I usually have more wet items to compost than dry.


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