Legion Cataphractii Herald Conversion

Описание к видео Legion Cataphractii Herald Conversion

Heralds are a great Consul upgrade for your Horus Heresy armies, but Games Workshop does not currently make a model for them in terminator armor. So in this video I am going to show you how I converted one us using a plastic Cataphractii Terminator as well as some bits from the Dark Angel Terminator kit and Space Marine Company Command Kit. This conversion is pretty straight forward and just involves a little bit of cutting, and a tiny bit of green stuff work for gap filling.

As always, please feel free to comment below or reach out to me on Instagram if you have any questions on my videos, I'd also love to see any of your work so send it on over!

Bits Used:
Cataphractii Terminator
Apothicary Bits from Dark Angels Terminator Squad

IG- @Amnioticly_Tanked
Email - Phil@AmnioticlyTanked.com


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