Microsoft Flight Simulator (Landing Challenges)

Описание к видео Microsoft Flight Simulator (Landing Challenges)

Some of my favorite Landing Challenges. I love all the landing challenges.

I actually spent some time, quite a bit of time, optimizing this game for my PC, which is ancient. It's a miracle it runs this game at all. i7 Quade Core 920 2.67 Ghz, 12 gb of system ram and an Nvidia GTX 1650 OC 4 gb.

I love this game, so I spent a few hours really messing with the graphics settings. 1920 x 1080 V-Sync turned on, frame rate capped at 30 fps (without the cap it does jump up to 34 fps, 35 fps which is not a smooth transition, so I capped it at 30 fps for a slightly smoother gameplay. It does pretty much stay at 29, 30 fps but briefly drops down to 24, 25 when things are busy, the airport, camera 360 around the plane, the opening to play or video, that kind of thing but it mostly stays 29, 30 fps. Playable. I'm using Render Scaling which is an anti aliasing thing. If you don't know what AA is, it basically gets rid of all the jaggy lines. Render Scaling is part of that AA. It's the depth of the effect. At 100, the jagged lines are almost gone. I usually use it set to 100, but I do want a playable game so I dropped it down to 80 to see what it does, it made a difference in frame rate.

I also turned everything on. Everything is turned on, to get a taste of everything. All the shadows, textures, lighting, whatever, some of it is LOW, most of it is MEDIUM and Volumetric Clouds is ULTRA.

30 fps, and the game looks great. Look at the buildings and everything at the airport in the first Landing Challenge. Australia.... These are all running a pretty steady 30 fps


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