Air curtain burner operating at Cobb Mountain

Описание к видео Air curtain burner operating at Cobb Mountain

CAL FIRE has a fleet of 10 Air Curtain Burners, or Air Curtain Incinerators. The Cobb Forest Stewards, a subcommittee of the Cobb Area Council, and Seigler Springs Community Redevelopment Association, are piloting trial runs of the air curtain burner at Cobb Mountain. They have been approved and are supervised by CAL FIRE’s Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit (LNU).

These Series 220 FireBox Burners assist in removing wood and other forest materials. Left unaddressed, these deposits of vegetation could potentially provide fuel for large-scale forest fires. The air curtain burners offer portability and practical solutions while maintaining environmental responsibility.

The Cobb Mountain site is a collection point for the public to drop off materials and reduce fuel loading through the community of Cobb.,


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