Hiding(隐藏)-In Beijing(在北京)-MV

Описание к видео Hiding(隐藏)-In Beijing(在北京)-MV

"Hiding" (in Chinese "隐藏") is a highly visible hip-hop band in China. Its members are Wang Bo (Chinese), Zheng Jie (Jeremy, American), Ma Ke (Canada-born Chinese) and He Zhong (Irish American). Formed in 2000 by Wang and Zheng, the band has released a few singles and albums and won many domestic hip-hop awards. "In Beijing" is the single by which they rose into fame.

lyrics to the song (my translation):

In Beijing/We walk on Chang'an Street
In Beijing/There are many beautiful girls
In Beijing/We worship Buddha in the Yonghe Temple
In Beijing/We visit your Hutong
In Beijing/We learn history in the Palace Museum
In Beijing/We bought a T-shirt in Xidan Mall
In Beijing/Tian'anmen Square is very large
In Beijing/There are many things you don't know

I live in Dongzhimen/They live on Xueyuan Rd.
We have been to all those places/Thus the Hiding is very familiar with Beijing
There are many colleges and computer shops in Haidian District
There are many foreigners and CD shops in Wudaokou
At night we can go to Houhai and Sanlitun for a few drinks
KTV is everywhere seen/There are some disco-bars around Beijing Workers' Gymnasium
There are other things to do besides dancing, drinking and gossiping
You will surely still be flying high waking up the next morning
The taxi is charged at 1.2 yuan or 1.6 yuan per kilometer
The traffic is okay despite occasional congestion
It's needless to mention those restaurants, the roast duck and the fried noodle with soy bean paste
Oh my God there are so many hot-pot restaurants along Gui Street
In the moring we can go to the Fragrance Hill to get in touch with nature
Don't forget to drop by the Summer Palace when you return from there
I have a friend who is studying at Beijing University and a girlfriend at Tsinghua
On Chengfu Rd. there is an LRT running towards downtown
In Beijing/The Olympics Games will be held in 2008
In Beijing/The city is becoming more and more beautiful
In Beijing/There are lakes and rivers
In Beijing/Most people ride on bicycles
In Beijing/There is the Chinese Great Wall
In Beijing/It's really cold in winter
In Beijing/There is the Chinese War Heros' Memorial
In Beijing/Now you know

You buy mobile phones in Xizhimen and clothes near the Zoo
You can easily lose your way in the West Railway Station
From Jishuitan to Gulou and eastward from Andingmen
You buy second-hand electric appliances/The Fifth Ring Road will be open to traffic soon
It reaches out many limbs eastward and westward which always confuse my mind
Embassies gather in Chaoyang District/Trees line up the streets there
The business center is east to Jianguomen
We live close to each other in Chinese courtyard houses
Trains pull in and out at the Beijing Railway Station/Visitors to the city stay in hotel rooms near the station for the night
Buses go on highway from the Long-distance Bus Station
Wangfujing is very clean/The Malls at Oriental Plaza are there
The Art Museum is very quiet/In Beihai Park there is the Nine-Dragon Wall
There are many poor in the Southern City/But the district is developing fast
If you like to learn then go to the History Museum
You go all the way eastward from Qianmen to Zhongnanhai

On behalf of Beijing, the Hiding hopes that all of you will visit the city often
In Beijing/We walk on Chang'an Street
In Beijing/There are many beautiful girls
In Beijing/We worship Buddha in the Yonghe Temple
In Beijing/We visit your Hutong
In Beijing/We learn history in the Palace Museum
In Beijing/We bought a T-shirt in Xidan Mall
In Beijing/Tian'anmen Square is very large
In Beijing/There are many things you don't know
In Beijing/The Olympic Games will be held in 2008
In Beijing/The city is becoming more and more beautiful
In Beijing/There are lakes and rivers
In Beijing/Most people ride on bicycles
In Beijing/There is the Chinese Great Wall
In Beijing/It's really cold in winter
In Beijing/There is the Chinese War Heroes' Memorial
In Beijing/Now you know


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