62,000 Ogresses: The Amulet Of Power - F2p UIM (#2)

Описание к видео 62,000 Ogresses: The Amulet Of Power - F2p UIM (#2)

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62,000 Ogresses: Amulet Of Power - F2p UIM (#2)

F2p Verf is a free to play locked ultimate ironman in osrs. This account is an ironman which means I cannot trade or interact with any players, I am also not able to use banks. My main goal is have fun, relive the f2p nostalgia and achieve and collect high stats and items.

Play Old School Runescape (Free online MMORPG by Jagex) here: http://oldschool.runescape.com/​

All music provided by EpidemicSound or these 2 links below:
https://bit.ly/2JGvoUn​​ (Runescape Orchestral Playlist)
https://bit.ly/2CE4F4Z​​ (Runescape Music Collection)

osrs verf f2p uim free to play ultimate ironman runescape loot from ogress warriors

#osrs​ #uniqueironman


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