Sfumature, english version

Описание к видео Sfumature, english version

Motion graphics, video and lithic design elements for the inedited project, promoted by the CMC, the Chiampo Marble Consortium, introduced to the 48th edition of Marmomacc in Verona, as a part of the design research project Pietra Fluida thought up by Aldo Colonetti e Paolo Baldessari.
Conceived for stimulating new collaborations among marble processing companies and young designers, SFUMATURE is the project, planned by Andrea Andrea Gross Gaiani e Giulia Regalin, with the aims of representing the manifold nature of the ten firms
that have taken part to it.
Andrea and Giulia propose the plurality of those different companies voices, exalting the specific characteristics of each ones but they do this through a project that maintains a sense of unity.
The natural stone, protagonist of the exhibition, is proposed in unusual forms, far from the traditional uses, in order to create for it new possibilities and new sceneries.
But, looking at marble manufacturing from different perspective doesn't mean taking off its natural beauty; on the contrary, the project tries to exalt it, finding
new way of expressions.
Moreover, unpublished metaphoric languages are used to explain the involved factories' core business showing the designers point of view.
SFUMATURE, opens at Marmomacc 2013 in Verona and it will be proposed again at Made Expo in Milano.


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