Felling trees in between houses with a roto-telescopic handler and a grapplesaw CS750 smart

Описание к видео Felling trees in between houses with a roto-telescopic handler and a grapplesaw CS750 smart

Tree felling in the city area, next to houses and along traffic roads and routes – a delicate issue! Gerhard Bernegger from Salzburg specialized in exactly that business! He and his team take on demanding tree fellings with a grapple saw attached to a rotatable telescopic handler where conventional methods are not making any progress.

Product info:

WOODCRACKER C: https://www.westtech.at/en/prod/woodc...

WOODCRACKER CL: https://www.westtech.at/en/prod/woodc...

WOODCRACKER CS: https://www.westtech.at/en/prod/woodc...

WOODCRACKER CS crane: https://www.westtech.at/prod/woodcrac...

WOODCRACKER CS smart: https://www.westtech.at/en/prod/woodc...

WOODCRACKER CS compact: https://www.westtech.at/en/prod/woodc...

WOODCRACKER L: https://www.westtech.at/en/prod/woodc...

WOODCRACKER W: https://www.westtech.at/en/prod/woodc...

WOODCRACKER T: https://www.westtech.at/prod/woodcrac...

WOODCRACKER G: https://www.westtech.at/en/prod/woodc...

WOODCRACKER R: https://www.westtech.at/en/prod/woodc...

WOODCRACKER S: https://www.westtech.at/en/prod/woodc...

MOWBLOWER: http://www.mowblower.com/

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Video Nr: 0227


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