HOME MADE MASS GAINER FOR EXTREME MASS/WEIGHT GAIN | 1526 Calories | Gain 20 kg with this recipe

Описание к видео HOME MADE MASS GAINER FOR EXTREME MASS/WEIGHT GAIN | 1526 Calories | Gain 20 kg with this recipe

Mass Gainers are very popular. However, making a homemade mass gainer is completely doable. This mass gainer is of 1526 calories which can help the so called classic hard gainers to gain a large amount of weight and muscle mass in a short span of time. It is alsoi very cheap to make. This shake can be taken as a
1) Pre Workout Shake
2) Post WOrkout SHake
3)Muscle building breakfast
4) Snack

The ingredients are
1) MIlk
2) Oats
3) Jaggery
5) Dates
6)Peanut butter

Blend them and have this super tasty shake.

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Food weighing scale : https://amzn.to/2UDWMGw
24 Organic Mantra Sattu : https://amzn.to/37e0glE
Fish Oil ( Neuherbs ) : https://amzn.to/3bpMv6y
For better digestive system :https://amzn.to/3bpMUG6
Olive Oil (Extra Virgin ) : https://amzn.to/2IcY6IO
Coconut oil( Extra Virgin) :https://amzn.to/2PAFG92
Blender : https://amzn.to/2WbCrsG
Oats. : https://amzn.to/2WbCrsG
Peanut Butter. : https://amzn.to/2vn8tqT
Jaggery : https://amzn.to/39SAXHQ
Dates : https://amzn.to/3aTBtpc
Almonds. : https://amzn.to/33jdfSB
Cocoa Powder : https://amzn.to/33iTQBi

Anurag Sharma is an Engineer and ISSA certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition ( SFN ) and trainer. He is one of India’s premier physical transformation specialist. He has to his credit of transforming more than 1000 people online.


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