Titan Quest Anniversary: 3 ENDGAME DUNGEONS GUIDE!

Описание к видео Titan Quest Anniversary: 3 ENDGAME DUNGEONS GUIDE!

CHANGES to the dungeons from the patch notes of update #6:
Repick Stat Points Potions:
5 new potions that allow players to repick their stats individually.
1 potion that resets all 5 stats all together.
Potions can be obtained only in the new Dungeons or in Electrum Orbs.

New Items:
These items can only be obtained from the HC dungeons (monsters/loot orb drops)
Ares' Weakness - Legendary Shield
New item as voted on by the community. Original item concept by The Line of Epic Heroes.
Bow of Upis - Legendary Bow
New item as voted on by the community. Original item concept by nargil66.
Medusa's Anguish - Legendary Staff
New item as voted on by the community. Original item concept by TheFrostLich.
HC Dungeon Changes/Fixes:
Added Traps to the Hades HC Dungeon
Added permanent buff rewards which the player receives once each HC dungeon boss is killed for the first time
Finished redesign/rebalance of Hardcore Dungeon reward sets
Added proper stats to their epic versions
Removed random levers in Dungeons, each door now has one lever at a specific location
Fixed issue where player could get a key of chaos from the minor boss in Heavenly Place area
Lowered the drop rate of the new potions in Dungeons
The Manticore boss joins the party and will now also drop keys for the HC dungeons
Hades HC Dungeon Boss:
Added 'Crystalfire’ skill which activates the 'Poison Flames’ via markers within the boss chamber (designed as crystalline lines placed strategically on the floor)
Replaced 'Bonecage’ projectile vfx with more readable purple vfx and impact (Needed to be clearly telegraphed since this skill locks the player for a duration in a bone cage)
Reduced 'Bonecage’ fragment shards upon impact from 12 to 6
Reduced 'Profane Bolts’ fragment shards upon impact from 12 to 6
Reduced 'Profane Bolts’ Cold DoT and removed Vitality damage
Hades HC Dungeon:
Improved boss chamber layout including initial area where the player teleports in, now the boss is no longer instantly pulled into combat
Added crystalline lines as visual indicators for where the Crystalfire flames appear
Egypt HC Dungeon:
Added extra collision boxes under walkways where players have reported falling through
Egypt HC boss; due to an exploit all are now hidden until the player enters arena
Removed 'CastShadows’ from door archways to avoid shadow conflicts with player light source
Skeleton Assassin (Chaos Monster) created a more refined 'Bone Shard’ projectile attack, similar to Throwing Knives from Stealth Mastery.
Reduced amount of shards thrown and changed range indicator from 'Any Range’ to 'Medium Range’ due to some players reporting being one shot by this skill
Fixed excessive physical resistances for Chaos monster aura in Egypt HC dungeon.
Changes to the dungeons from the patch notes of update #5:
HC Dungeons fixes and Changes:
-The Greek dungeon that was endemic to the Normal difficulty can now be played on Epic and Legendary.
-The Egypt dungeon that was originally found on Epic can now be found on Legendary
-Added a skill specially for the Chaos monsters that allows them to scale better in increasing difficulties. Now they do not only rely on the automatic game scaling but have additional strength due to this skill making them super powerful as intended
-Made Chaos relic drop for Every player not only for the people who own EE
-Adjusted loot orbs and half chests to drop physically more loot in the new Dungeons
-Balanced out Experience gain in new Dungeons,
-Greece HC dungeon updated. Updated boss chamber, fixed pathing issues here, updated traps and added polish to half way point and grid dungeon area
-Added Side areas in dungeons (Hades and Greece)
-Disabeled drops from Monsters in new HC Dungeons
-Fixed all monsters being the same race (all Magical monsters makes it very easy to counter them)
-Fixed bug with Boos Monsters not spawning in new Dungeons
-Fixed Egypt HC dungeon doors, added 'Ornate Bronze Door’ tag
-Fixed highlighting door in Hades HC dungeon initial chamber just after the 'Key Area’, replaced with door decoration.
-Added missing chest reward to Egypt HC dungeon
-Updated a few narrative shrine positioning for better pathing in HC Dungeons
-Created new loot tables, chests, pools, proxies for Greek and Egypt dungeons and adjusted drop values
-Made it so only one of each key can be in player inventory. Added keys to relevant loot tables in higher difficulties.
-Prevented fast run-throughs in Dungeons by adding levers to doors.
-Reworked Hardcore Dungeon reward sets (WIP)
-Added epic versions of Hardcore Dungeon set pieces
-Added death and dissolve effects on HC dungeon monsters.
-Hardcore dungeons now have a chance to drop a special Stone
-Multiple pathing issues fixed
-Multiple small visual updates for Dungeons
#TitanQuest #Dungeons #Arpg #EternalEmbers #Atlantis #Ragnarok


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