Rights of Older Employees in an Aging Workforce - Employment Law Show: S4 E8

Описание к видео Rights of Older Employees in an Aging Workforce - Employment Law Show: S4 E8

What you need to know about the Rights of Older Employees in an Aging Workforce, on the Employment Law Show with employment lawyer Lior Samfiru. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta on Season 4 Episode 8 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada.

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0:00 - Intro

► 2:06 An employee at a manufacturing plant used some of her sick days over the course of a year for minor surgeries. She used more sick days than she was allotted by her employer. After she went over her limit, the employer warned her a few times. When she took more time off for surgery she was terminated for cause. Can I be fired for taking too many sick days? Can an employer discipline an employee for using sick days?
• More on your Severance Pay rights here: http://bit.ly/36hMSNU
• More on Termination For Cause here: http://bit.ly/2pmOw0g

► 5:11 A caller from https://stlawyers.ca/employment-law-show - The rumour at our company is that when they want to terminate a manager’s employment, they will give them months of working notice instead of severance to save money. So rather than provide a severance package, the company will tell you when they plan on firing you down the road. Can they do that?
• Watch our previous episode on Working Notice of Termination: http://bit.ly/2LiDCAe

► 8:33 POCKET EMPLOYMENT LAWYER.ca - I’m 55, and have been an office administrator at a business for 11 years. The company has seen a drop in profits the last few quarters, and as a result they want to put me on a 10 week temporary layoff. My contract doesn’t say they can do this. Do I have grounds for severance? If I accept this layoff, will my years of service reset when I return back to work?
• Your rights during a Temporary Layoff here: http://bit.ly/2Nrxd66
• Use the Severance Pay Calculator here: http://bit.ly/2JvWyuF

• Can an employer fire an older employee because of their age? - 14:35
• An older employee is becoming less productive. What are the employer’s options? Discipline? Termination? - 15:58
• Should an older employee talk to their employer if they find they are struggling at their job? - 17:41
• Can an employer suggest to an older employee that they resign from their job? - 19:03
• How is severance pay calculated for older employees? - 20:30
• Read our blog about Terminating Older Employees: http://bit.ly/2rMJqvh

► 21:34 A caller from https://stlawyers.ca/employment-law-show - I am on long term disability and getting ready to return to work. My employer just told me that the position I held for 15 years no longer exists. Are they obligated to put me into a different position or am I owed a severance package?
• Learn more about the employer's Duty to Accommodate here: http://bit.ly/36dmyEM
• Long Term Disability Claim Denied? These are your rights: http://bit.ly/354rbj9

► 25:25 A caller from https://stlawyers.ca/employment-law-show - I worked for 3 years as a real estate agent, but structured as an independent contractor. After our team’s performance slid a bit and I made a blunder, I was mailed a termination notice. When I called them, they offered to hire me back on hourly pay that would have been 25% less than my previous salary. Are real estate agents independent contractors?
• Are you truly an Independent Contractor? Find out if you are actually an Employee here: http://bit.ly/34KB0CO
• More on Independent Contractors here: http://bit.ly/33tI7iM


► Before you call a lawyer, use PocketEmploymentLawyer.ca to find out if you might have a case: http://bit.ly/Pocket-Employment-Lawyer

► Calculate the amount of severance pay your are owed with the Severance Pay Calculator: http://bit.ly/Severance-Pay-Calculator

► Denied Long Term Disability? We Can Help. Find out more: https://bit.ly/Disability-Lawyers

📍 Toronto employment lawyer - http://bit.ly/Toronto-Employment-Lawyer
📍 Vancouver employment lawyer - http://bit.ly/Vancouver-Employment-La...
📍 Ottawa employment lawyer - http://bit.ly/Ottawa-Employment-Lawyer
📍 Calgary employment lawyer - http://bit.ly/Calgary-Employment-Lawyer

📺 More about the Employment Law Show here: http://bit.ly/Employment-Law-Show
📺 Watch the Disability Law Show here: http://bit.ly/Disability-Law-Show

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