GEL7114 - Module 3.21 – SNR vs. Eb/N0

Описание к видео GEL7114 - Module 3.21 – SNR vs. Eb/N0

Digital Communications
Leslie A. Rusch
Université Laval
ECE Dept.

Module 3 introduces various forms of data modulation and reception. We consider how performance varies across these various choices – both power efficiency and spectral efficiency. We also touch on the aspects of detection that increase the cost/complexity of various modulations.

PartA of module 3 defines PSK, FSK, PAM and QAM modulation. We cover coherent detection for all cases, and noncoherent detection for DBPSK and M-FSK. We develop detection strategies and the receiver structures for different modulation formats.

PartB of Module 3 develops an equation for the probability of error for coherent detection of an arbitrary constellation, and applies that equation to various modulation formats. We introduce non-coherent detection for DBPSK and M-FSK, and quantify their probability of error.

PartC of Module 3 develops the concept of spectral efficiency and how it can be quantified for various modulation formats. We discuss trade-offs between spectral and power efficiency, and introduce the concept of channel capacity. We clarify the difference between probability of bit error and symbol error, as well as the difference between SNR and Eb/N0.


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