King, Warrior, Magician, Lover - Moore & Gillette (re-mastered)

Описание к видео King, Warrior, Magician, Lover - Moore & Gillette (re-mastered)

This is an audio enhanced edition of the reading of the book "King, Warrior, Magician, Lover.

It was originally found on the channel "Carmelita Canney".

May it reaches you all well & make you stronger in all aspects for the highest good.


Divine Child Chapter:
High chair tyrant 24:50
Weakling prince 29:55
Precautios child chapter - 34:53
Know it all trickster (manipulator)- 37:35
Naivë dummy - 45:15
Odeipus child chapter - 46:36
Mama's boy - 48:25
The dreamer - 52:03
Hero child chapter - 53:30
The bully - 54:29
The coward - 58:34
Hero in our psyche - 1:00:00
Initiation into manhood - 1:04:37
The King chapter - 1:10:22
The good king -1:17:46
The shadow king / the tyrant- 1:20:24
The weakling prince - 1:24:40
Accessing the king
Disidentify one's ego from it - 1:28:35
The warrior - 1:33:13
The disconnected warrior - 1:45:55
Тhe shadow warrior
The sadist - 1:48:46
The masochist - 1:54:15
The magician - 1:57:26
The magician and the ego - 2:09:11
The shaman - 2:12:42
The dark magician(manipulator)- 2:13:30
The naïve (innocent one) - 2:15:50
The lover - 2:21:07
Introduction - 2:23:25
Lover in religion- 2:27:59
Psychic and artist lover in professions
Lover in love - 2:31:45
Shadow lover
The addict - 2:32:50
The impotent lover - 2:37:05
Lover connectedness -2:40:40
Summary - 2:44:00
Practical advice
Humility- 2:49:24
Аctive imagination - 2:50:21
Invocation - 2:52:27
Admiration - 2:54:10
Acting as if - 2:55:46
Final word - 2:56:44


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