Crows and Magpies - Nut Carrying Entity Feeds Five NOISY Territorial Crow Families / Park Crows

Описание к видео Crows and Magpies - Nut Carrying Entity Feeds Five NOISY Territorial Crow Families / Park Crows

Wildlife / Birds / Bird Watching / Crow / Crows / Magpies / Crow Video / Crow Sounds / Crow Vocalisations / Fighting / Crow Fights / Nature / Corvids / Corvus Corone / Pica Pica.

Set over the other side of the park from the 'North Pairs' territory at the junction between five competing Crow families.

Key words; ' Krähe, corneille, corbeaux, wrona, kraai, corvo, vrana, vrána, krage, cuervo, varis, κοράκι, カラス, 까마귀, kråke, cioară, ворона, cuervo, kråka, นกกา, karga, con quạ, 乌鸦, kroʊ, क्रो, কাক, غراب, Врана, Vares, Κουρούνα, עורב, Varjú, Gagak, Cornacchia, 烏, Vārna, Kråka, กา. '

#crows #crow #crowvideo #crowsounds #birds #birdslover #wildlife #nature #birdwatching #birdsounds #corvids #carrioncrow #britishwildlife #crowfriend #crowfriends #crowlovers #crowlover #birdlovers

Camera - SONY HDR-CX625


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