Unleash Your Artistic Potential: Is an MFA Worth It?

Описание к видео Unleash Your Artistic Potential: Is an MFA Worth It?

Recent articles in Slate and the Wall Street Journal cast a dim light on the value of a masters degree. But not all MFAs are cut from the same cloth. Learn why you might want to consider graduate programs, how to spot schools that care more about your money than your success, and one question you should definitely ask the director of any graduate program you're considering.

DISCLOSURE: This video is not produced in association with any graduate program at any university, and is not sponsored in any way.

Links mention/depicted in the video--

Slate article: https://slate.com/business/2021/07/ma...

Wall Street Journal article: https://www.wsj.com/articles/financia...
LiNK MFA recruitment event for design/tech in dramatic arts: https://www.usitt.org/link-design-and...
Yale School of Drama: https://www.drama.yale.edu/

0:00 Introduction
0:06 Critcism in Slate & WSJ
1:29 Funded masters programs
2:09 What qualifies me to make this video?
2:34 Good reasons to get an MFA
3:58 Art school is hard
4:21 Undergraduate next-steps
5:39 Do quit your day job
6:08 Instant network?
6:55 How to spot $-driven schools
7:36 One question to ask every program director
8:40 Public schools & admissions data
9:06 Debt and decision-making
9:42 Paths to success

#mfa #gradschool #mastersdegree


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