全港公開業餘歌唱比賽冠軍劉英 ;抗癌故事;誠心答謝粉絲

Описание к видео 全港公開業餘歌唱比賽冠軍劉英 ;抗癌故事;誠心答謝粉絲

橙色大笨象的特別嘉賓—劉英,Auntie Anne。她自幼沐浴在父親音樂的薰陶中,對經典爵士樂深深著迷。年僅15歲的她,在《星島日報》舉辦的全港公開業餘歌唱比賽脫穎而出,奪得冠軍,驚艷全場。

Our special guest is Anne Lew. Through her father, Anne has had a fascination with classic jazz since childhood. She was 15 years old when she won her first singing competition. In sixth grade, her musical talent caught the attention of the "Father of Variety Art", Robert Chua, who invited her onto the TV show "Enjoy Yourself Tonight". In 2012, Anne Lew released her first album, which celebrates her love of life and dedication to music.

劉英 on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/arti...

00:00 intro
02:12 出道 early fame
04:34 抗癌 surviving cancer
08:14 啟豪星光之道 The journey
11:20 中年好聲音 Midlife Sing & Shine
15:43 答謝粉絲 the kindness of fans

#羅啟豪 #劉英 #抗癌故事 #母子情


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