Full AI - Music - Whispers of Justice

Описание к видео Full AI - Music - Whispers of Justice

Full AI - Music: ( Track 0024 )


In the halls where shadows loom
Lies the echo of a silent doom
Gilded robes, corrupted might
Twist the truth, conceal the light

Whispers of justice, cries in the night
A world on edge, ready to fight
Through veils of lies, we seek the dawn
A call for hope, when all seems gone

Blindfolded eyes that once were clear
Now clouded by the grip of fear
In secret chambers, they conspire
To bend the law, to feed the fire

Whispers of justice, cries in the night
A world on edge, ready to fight
Through veils of lies, we seek the dawn
A call for hope, when all seems gone

In silent streets, the voices rise
A plea for truth beneath the skies
Bound by chains of unseen hand
We stand together, make our stand

The scales of justice tipped to one
Where freedom fades and rights undone
But in the hearts of those who see
A flame ignites, a will to be

Whispers of justice, cries in the night
A world on edge, ready to fight
Through veils of lies, we seek the dawn
A call for hope, when all seems gone

Through darkened halls, we send our plea
For every soul that longs to be free
In whispered winds, our voices blend
A cry for justice, until the end

In the end, the truth will shine
Through the darkest night, we'll find
A path to hope, a way to see
The dawn of justice, for you and me



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