Mombasa Grass Establishment!

Описание к видео Mombasa Grass Establishment!

I LOVE WORKING WITH GRASSES!!! Mombasa grass, Megathyrsus maximus, previously Panicum maximum, is a cultivar of guinea grass that is hairless, the silica fibers are almost non existent on the stems. This makes this cultivar so much more favorable to work with. I can go out there in my slippers when the grass is 6 feet tall without any discomfort!

Tall clump grasses are ideal for pumping out biomass and promoting growth in the early years of an agroforestry system. Without these grasses I would not have enough mulch to cover my system. This is why I use inner rows of grasses to cut down for mulch production. No other plant works harder than mombasa and guinea grass, it makes sense to tame them and bring them into your system for easy biomass. It takes me 5-10 minutes to weed eat my inner rows. What else can you cut every month or two that produces six feet of material in the entire area? NOTHING!



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