Second Trimester Recap | Anatomy Scan, House Projects, & More Energy

Описание к видео Second Trimester Recap | Anatomy Scan, House Projects, & More Energy

Hello, second trimester! Today I'm sharing a recap of my second trimester of pregnancy. For me, this was such a sweet spot! I was feeling sooo much better than the first trimester. The baby bump really started to pop, but I hadn't reached the point of being uncomfortable yet!

We tackled a lot during the second trimester. Baby's anatomy scan is a big pregnancy milestone! It's kind of a nerve-wracking one for most parents-to-be. The anxiety makes sense! When you're building a human from scratch, there are a lot of opportunities for things to go wrong. We got a little taste of this with our anatomy scans! Our girl is very active, so the ultrasound techs had a hard time visualizing everything. We ended up having three anatomy scans and visiting a specialist before coming to the conclusion that we have a healthy little girl. We are so thankful! We have had so much peace knowing that God is forming every tiny piece of this child into exactly who He intends her to be! What a relief it is to know that He's got our girl!!

Outside of the prenatal appointments, we also took on several house projects during the second trimester! We chose to tackle our biggest and messiest projects sooner rather than later, and I'm so glad we did. I definitely think I would have had a harder time coping with the mess if we had been closer to baby's due date!

At the tail-end of the second trimester, we enjoyed a Winnie the Pooh themed baby shower hosted by my sweet sister-in-law. It was such a sweet morning! Donnie, baby, and I felt so loved. 🥰

It was a very productive few months!


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