ZOOX Founder: If You Can't Simulate it, You Can’t Make it.

Описание к видео ZOOX Founder: If You Can't Simulate it, You Can’t Make it.

Zoox Co-founder and CTO Jesse Levinson shares his visions about how autonomous driving is evolving at GTC 2021, NVIDIA's top event about graphics processors. What emerges from the chat, is the complexity that comes with the need to collect data, manage software and run simulations in order to develop a safe autonomous vehicle. For the car makers that were hoping for "an autonomous car kit to install and be done with it", the wait will be longer than expected.
Jesse Levinson answered questions posed by a manager from NVIDIA. The video has been edited to highlight the software and hardware requirements involved in producing a vehicle like Zoox.
#zoox #JesseLevinson #autonomousdriving


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